Name (required)
Email (required)
Street Address (required)
City (required)
State (required)
Zip (required)
Telephone (required)
How many kittens are you looking to purchase?
What gender are you looking for? MaleFemale
Which color do you prefer?
select colorchocolate smokecream smokeblue smoketortie smokered smokeflame pointchocolate pointlilac pointblue pointcream pointblue creamchocolate tortiered chinchillanot sure yet
How soon would you like to receive your kitten?
as soon as possiblewithin 3 monthswithin 6 months
Do you currently have other pets living in your home? YesNo
How many? cats or dogs? and please describe, age, breed, etc.
Do you have children living at home? If yes, how many, and what are their ages?
Would you like to be placed on our paid deposit list? This will give you first choice of getting the kitten you want! (Your $500.00 non-refundable deposit will be deducted from the price of your kitten) YesNo
If yes, how would you like to make your deposit?
Mail a CheckPaypal
tell us more about yourself and the home you will make for your kitten